Create the feel that you want – choose your own colour scheme.

What colours will you pick for which room?

Decide for yourself but keep in mind these simple rules.


Size/Shape of a Room :

  • Use paint tricks to make your room bigger or smaller.
  • Light colours like pales and pastels lend space to a small room – they are airy and seem to “fade” the walls into a distance and “stretch” a low ceiling upwards.
  • Bold colours are friendly and bring objects closer to create a cozy feel.
  • Contrast and match – square up a long narrow room by painting the short walls in a bold colour and the long walls in a neighboring pastel.


Lighting :

  • Do you have a lot of light in your room, natural or artificial?
  • Cut down on glare by using dark shades.
  • If you live in a warm climate, plan your colour scheme around the colours of water and trees.
  • Low-lit spaces need sunshine or warm shades to brighten them up.


Function :

  • You relate to your bedroom and your office in different ways.
  • But whether you are at home or work, too many random colours in a scheme can be overpowering.
  • While intense shades are bold and fun, they should be used to accent or punctuate neutral but cheerful colours.
  • For instance a bold green can be teamed with a lighter yellow.


Furniture & Furnishings :

  • Keep your furniture colour in mind – wood is also a colour!
  • If you want to scale down a bulky sofa, put it against a wall of exactly the same shade.
  • If you want to show it off, put it against a contrasting wall.
  • To blend and yet preserve its identity, set it off against a colour with yellow tones – lime or yellow beige.
  • Shades of white on walls can take the widest range of furnishings.
  • On the other hand, light coloured furniture allows for the use of deep colours on walls.