1001 Epoxy Paints Two Pack 0682G

1001 Epoxy HB Finish Paint( Product Code – 0682G
1001 Epoxy Finish Paint system is supplied in Two separate containers, namely Base and Hardener in the ratio of 3:1 by volume. Wait for 10 - 15 minutes as flash off time before applying the coating. If required, add spl. Epoxy Reducer 0682T in the mixed material up to 10% before use. Care is to be taken that the mixed material is to be consumed within 3-4 hours. Mixed material has got limited pot life of 4 hours. Application of Primer should be followed with a coat of Epoxy Finishing Paint (2 Pack).Dry Film Thickness (D.F.T) of 60 to 70 Microns should be achieved after Epoxy Primer followed by Epoxy Finishing. It is recommended that composite system of Epoxy Primer, Epoxy Finishing alongwith Epoxy Thinner / Reducer should be from the same source.
1001 Epoxy Paint can be made to order with higher DFT. Kindly reach out to us on any phone number on our homepage.
Few characteristic are cited below:-
1. Consistency : | Smooth and Uniform |
2. Viscosity at 30 C B/4 Cup. : | 60 - 90 Seconds |
3. Covering Capacity as per IS: 101. : | 14-16Sq. Mts. Per liter (DFT 30 Microns)
Dry film Thickness. |
4. Drying Time of mixed material( Base + Hardener )
a) S.D. : b) H.D. : c) T.F. : |
2-4 Hrs. 6 – 8 Hrs. Overnight |
5. Finish : | Full Gloss, Semi Gloss and Egg-Shell to Matt |
6. Weight per litre in Kg. : | 0.93 to 1.2 + 0.5.(Depending on shade required) |
7. Method Of Application : By spray, curtail or brush ( If there is appreciable drags on brush, add more epoxy Reducer for better application) | |
8. Shelf life. : | Minimum one year after date of manufacture
(In separate sealed containers) |
Uses : Recommended for use on steel structures, bridges, interior and exterior of storage tanks, bulk handling equipment, pipelines as well as other Installations exposed to saline and highly corrosive environments.
1001 EPOXY HB PAINT ST- (2 Pack)-Pure
Applications: Metal, Mild Steel Surfaces; Ratio 3:1; Superior Gloss
Signal Red, Fire Red, PO Red, Havoc, Magenta, Golden Yellow, Lemon Yellow, White, Deep Orange, Dawn Glow, Cherry, Pale Rose, Petal, Wild Purple, Truck Brown, Any RAL Shade
Battleship Grey, AD Grey, Light Grey, DK Grey, Smoke Grey, Black, Sky Blue, Bus Green, Munshell Blue, Cascade Green, Jade Green, Phirozi, Golden Brown, Brown, Mid buff, Sandstone, Leaf Brown